Monday, October 29, 2018

What is Buy Out Policy?

Buy out policy
Buy out policies the contract details between the employee and the employer wherein all the details regarding the buyout option are included finds wisdom jobs gulf complaints career experts. Buyout policies varies from company to company and even in a company there are chances that the buyout option may not be the same for every employee and depends on the designation, years of experience, years of working with the company and many similar as such. An individual is held responsible to clear the dues with the past company before leaving with buyout option to the new company so as to avoid any further concerns with either parts.

Buyout Policy in TCS
Buyout option in TCS starts with a talk to your manager followed by an official email dropped to your HR and your management. Then starts the notice period and talk to your HR to finalize on the bond amount and the period for which you wish to serve. With all the documents like payslips, certificates, letter of appreciations etc taken and made available with you even in later cases, wait for and check the resignation acceptance mail as it contains all the documents. With that you are done after submitting all office valuables to further join your new company.

Friday, October 12, 2018

September, 2018 saw 24% growth in hiring: Wisdom jobs hiring trends report

September, 2018 saw 24% growth in hiring: Wisdom jobs hiring trends report
Recent hiring trends report September, 2018 by wisdom jobs recorded a positive growth of 23% during September 2017-2018. After two months of consecutive upwards trends in hiring market, the market witnessed a decline of -5% in September 2018.Healthcare and Pharmaceutical sectors emerged as the top employers of the month and witnessed highest talent demand during the month of sepetmeber,2018 finds wisdom jobs reviews career experts.

 Retail and automobiles generated more jobs. Functional wise trends reveal that medical professionals were the most sought after functional areas followed by Accounting & Finance and HR but saw a decline in hiring. Lucknow and Indore were two top cities that experienced growth in hiring. Professionals with more than 20 years’ experience saw demand of 15% during the month finds wisdom jobs complaints report.

● Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals registered a 13% rise in hiring activities
● Retail but saw sector saw a 2% rise in talent demand in September 2018&
● Automobiles recorded 1% improvement in hiring activity during the month

● Doctors/Nurses/Medical professionals reported a 23% rise in talent demand
● Font Office/ Administration profiles saw a 2% rise in talent demand
● Hospitality professionals witnessed a 2% rise in talent demand during the month

● Lucknow with highest talent demand reported a 16% rise among key locations
● Indore posted a 9% rise in talent demand during September 2018
● Ahmedabad was on the third place with marginal positive hiring sentiments

● Candidates with more than 20 years of experience saw the highest demand of 14%
● Freshers reported the highest job share of 24% during the month
● Professionals with experience of 10-20 years posted a job share of 17%

Monday, October 1, 2018

What is IJP?

IJP meaning is Internal Job Posting. This means that the position is open only for the internal candidates. In case if the employer receives any applicants from external they will not be processed further as these are meant only for the internal candidates. The reasons for considering only in-house candidates may be many few of which are good knowledge about the company, better understanding about the company environment, a better career growth option, a chance for improved employee loyalty, low costing etc finds wisdom jobs reviews career experts.

There are many other such abbreviation terminology used in HR discussions like AFAIK, AL, QA, QC, ASAP, BET etc. Similar to etc, IJP; SPOC is another frequently used acronym. The full form of SPOC is ‘single point of contact’. SPOC is used in situations where the information is made available from only a single person or department regarding an event or a program or anything else as such says wisdom jobs complaints career experts.
There are many more acronyms that are used by a HR in their daily tasks like AFAIK-As Far As I Know, AL-Accelerated Learning, ALARA-As Low As Reasonably Achievable, ASAP-As Soon As Possible, ATS-Advanced Training System, BET-Behaviour, Effect, Thanks, BPR-Business Process Re-engineering, BST-Basic Skills Trainer, CAX-Computer Assisted Exercises, CBT-Computer-Based Training or Competency Based Training, CETA-Cost-Effective Training Analysis, CMI-Computer Managed Instruction, CP-Change Proposal, DMP-Data Management Plan, DSM-Don't Shoot Me, EOD-End Of Discussion, EPSS-Electronic Performance Support System, FOJT-Formal On-the-Job Training, FTX-Field Training Exercise, OTOH-On The Other Hand, P3I-Pre-Planned Product Improvement, PA-Performance Assessment, PE-Practical , ZD-Zero Defects etc.