Thursday, May 17, 2018

Here’s how to improve communication with your Manager

► communication with Manager can get credit for your work
It is known fact to everybody that the employees are the building blocks of an organization and so it is very important to lead the employees and manage them efficiently towards realizing the organizational goals, in order to achieve success.
However big the organization may be, and how highly qualified the managers of the organization may be; the success of the company and its employees mainly depends on good rapport and communication between the employees and their managers. Wisdom jobs reviews say that in the current business scenario, strong presentation skills and good communication between the boss and the subordinate has become more essential, because of emerging innovative technologies and agile workplace trends. Communication is an indispensable tool for both employees and managers to cultivate an open and transparent communication culture at work.
Unfortunately, in India measurement of communication level had been a weak area in practice as compared to western countries. There are several reasons for this and the most fundamental reason for this back lag is our educational system, which lays more stress on academics rather than communication.
At this instance, I want to site an example; When Indians go abroad and are assigned with a project, with a deadline of 3 months. They get busy and struggle to do the project day and night without even spending with their families, sometimes they even end up spoiling their weekend fun, and finally complete the project in 2 months far ahead of the given schedule. What happens next? They are assigned to another project and the routine goes on. Here the employees are just quick and committed to completing the project, and they never realize that the credit goes to the manager, because he is making the employee do the work. But, if you take an American guy, he would always mail the manager the updates of everyday work and raise some dialogue with the manager about the project and enhance his awareness about the project, go with ease and completes the project may be 2 days before the deadline. However, this is a wrong way of doing things and I wish Indians should improve in this aspect with the changing time. A lot of initiation is seen; still, communication in India is yet to be improved.

► Why are employees not communicating with their managers?
There are several reasons, which pull the employees back from communicating with their managers. Few among them are
·         Employees are scared that the managers would ask them questions about their work progress, and if they could not answer to those questions, they might leave a bad impression to the manager and get humiliated amidst of their colleagues.
·         Sometimes employees encounter managers, who are harsh in their approach with their employees and show a lot of inequality and discrimination between the employees.
·         Employees pay the least attention to the communication because they are always trapped in time pressures to complete their projects.
·         Most of the times, employees are only bothered about their paycheck and nothing else in this world. They are not interested in learning and exploring new things that develop their professional expertise.
·         As communication is intangible, does not have any accountability and is difficult to evaluate. Therefore, employees have fear of communication with their managers.
In spite of many hindrances, employees should communicate effectively and call your manager freely with an open mind. So that they can carry on their work in a more friction-free manner with ease and without any hassle. In real time we see many instances, where employees do not get considerable support from their managers, maybe they are not provided with resources or they are overlooked. Employees need not worry or get annoyed, they should focus on the point, to communicate their needs to their manager in a more pleasing and respectful way. Employees should show their willingness to open up a dialogue with their managers. Here are some tips, which would help the employees to communicate well with their managers.
► Help your Manager; see that in turn, he helps you:
It is not possible for anybody to read your mind better than you are. Therefore, you are the one to take a step ahead to communicate with your boss, if you do not have enough resources to accomplish your project. Nevertheless, remember one thing, do thorough research before you approach your manager. All the basic questions asked by your manager like “How much will this cost?” “How much time/money will this save?” and “What’s the problem with our current system/resource?” should be on your fingertips. Every manager wants to extend their help to their employees, provided you persuade them that the issue you are communicating is very important to you and the organization as a whole.
► Make your Manager know how much his feedback is important for you
The frequency and communication style of no two people is the same, it holds good for both your manager and you. Therefore, many times both of you may not be congruent with your ideas. In feedback, some people like it in privacy, some like it in a group, some like it in weekly meetings, and some like it in the form of an e-mail or over the telephone. Therefore, it is your job to communicate with your manager, what style of communication really works for your up gradation. Let your manager know ahead of time the way of communication you like, so that there would be no clash of communication in both the directions and you could better focus on your work. This kind of communication also saves a lot of time and discussion about the projects will go in a very good direction.
► Give credit whenever needed
If you really like the way your boss appreciates you, praises you and motivates and encourages your  for a well-done job, and whenever you feel that your manager is in right direction of communication and you are very easily getting along with him, make sure to add a note of appreciation and believe me it moves rocks. This note of appreciation encourages and motivates your manager to be the best leader on earth. Of course, achievement of the objectives is the main theme for both boss and subordinate.

Effective communication is critical to professional success. If you follow the above guidelines of communication with your manager, I bet you can attain professional success as well as your job would be a cakewalk for you and you can be free of the entire struggle you have to go through to attain your goals in the job you do. Go through wisdom jobs gulf career edge for more details.

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