Thursday, June 28, 2018

Wisdom we gain post job loss !

In our career journey, the most common, but an unpleasant thing is losing our job. Some times, we lose job without our concern i.e. in the case of layoffs by the company in the context of cost cutting measures, otherwise it may be lay off's due to closure of a particular division or the company itself. Sometimes, you may leave your job because it is not of your interest and is not helpful in building your career graph. Sometimes we leave our job to enjoy a better opportunity, sometimes we leave the job, because the current company degrades your value; may be financially; technologically or psychologically. Sometimes you may be thrown out of your office, by making simple or complex flaws. You may walk out of your office with content, with emotional upset, with a spirit of relaxation; whatever may be the cause of your exit it should be a good learning for you for the future approach of the employment. Here is a list of smart lessons you can learn from losing your job.
-Remember losing is far better than winning, to learn smart practical lessons
"Losing is temporary. Just like winning is and just like life is. In the context of time we can appreciate the ephemeral nature of any lose and find the lesson".
There is no person in this world, who never faces the challenge of losing. However high talent, education, and professionalism you have, you cannot escape passing through the path of job loss in your career. Take the example of The Great late Steve Jobs of Apple in spite of invention of numerous path-breaking products, for a period of time he was sent out of Apple. Infact, winning always, will make you lose the important lessons you could probably learn in your career journey. Job loss reflects your pitfalls and flaws, which should be constantly refined and rectified, so that you never face the identical situation repeatedly. Have some patience to convert your negatives into positives. In other way around, job loss helps you to excel in your career.
- Leaving in a good way is the best revenge
Ending of a long-term relationship always is not an easy thing, may be it is your fault or your employers. You are a sort of cutoff from your x-bosses and your fellow employees and you experience a kind of awkwardness. In midst of many feelings, criticisms, you try to leave the firm with a good note with everyone around. This is the time for you to show your professionalism and maturity, with which you handle yourself. Sometimes, defense is the great weapon, which would yield best results, instead of messy arguments. So, try to break up in a good way.
Redefine yourself
After losing job (may be you quit by yourself or may be you are fired; it is one and the same), take some time to vent out your negative emotions. When you find yourself calm and coolly settled down; think over the things that happen in the office in the recent past and clearly conclude a list of things that went wrong. Sort out the things in which you were at fault. Now it is time for you to analyze, reflect, and redefine yourself as altogether a new person free from your negatives and all deviations rectified. A person who admits his mistakes and redefines himself is an all time winner and can face any situation, any time and anywhere.
- In current job market scenario, losing job is not at all an unpleasant experience
In this job market scenario of peaking competition, uncertainty, and drastic fluctuations of economy around the world where cost cutting has become a norm, job loss has become a most common thing. So, don't get depressed or feel bad, but be prepared for the future jobs. Many a times even most talented, committed, and intelligent people end up in an unsuitable job or bad economy. One firm showing exit door for you doesn't mean that doors for your career are shut down permanently, may be you are valuable for other firms that recruit you based on your skills. So, update your resume and keep going, don't take it personal..
Get back to your original track
The best way to get out of the agony of unemployment by losing job is going ahead and hitting the job market. Have a totally new and unique approach, with your strong wisdom, newly learnt lessons from hard hits, and degree from the school .Never give up try, try, and try again until you achieve your destiny. Try all the possible ways you could. Many people find new ways and what is going to happen in your life is never known. Losing job is only a part your career story. Take the example of the great company Hewlett Packard, it is found by two people while doing different things to earn their dimes.
Take criticism positively
While you leave, your job may be you are being criticized for many reasons. May be the critics are right or wrong, but remember the simple principle every action has an equal opposite reaction. Do not go negative and get angry about the criticism. Instead, try to take the criticism in a positive and constructive way to turnaround yourself. There is no perfect man existing in this world. Take suggestions of any friend, colleague, or any other third party to make up your mind towards the right thing. By this, you can learn not making the same mistakes repeatedly. These are the lessons you can learn from losing job, to excel in your job prospectus.

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