Monday, May 6, 2019

Online hiring activity saw8% growth during March 2019: wisdom jobs survey

According to the wisdom jobs gulf hiring trends report mentioned that IT/Telecom, BPO and Healthcare saw maximum growth in talent demand during the month. Location-wise data mentioned that Hyderabad saw maximum growth in talent demand in March 2019. Wisdom jobs gulf reviews experts suggest that experience wise data mentioned that there is a maximum growth for the mid-level professionals with 5-10 experience followed by professionals with 2-5 years’ experience.

Key findings of hiring trends of March 2019 edition are:
IT/Telecom posted highest growth in talent demand in March 2019, followed by BPO. As per wisdom jobs gulf complaints study report here’s summary report of Recruitment trends in Mar 2019 edition is as follows:

Sectors wise highest growth in talent demand
● IT/Telecom (8.9%)
● BPO (7.8%)
● Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals (6.3%)

Skill wise highest growth:
● IT/Telecom (11.1%)
● Doctors/Nurses/Medical Professionals (10.5%)
● Customer Services/Tele-calling (6.4%)

Location wise highest growth
● Hyderabad/Scuderia (15.9%)
● Chennai (14.2%)
● Bengaluru (10.1%)

Experience wise trends:
● Professionals with 5-10 years of work experience (7.5%)
● Professionals with 2-5 years of work experience (4.3%)
● Professionals with 10-20 years of work experience (2.5%)